Tuesday 21 June 2011

Big Arms

The dude with great looking biceps is the one who typically gets the second look from the girls. Go through this article to see how to get biceps that are incredible.
Biceps that are larger and more impressive are not easy to come by. Time and again, men of all ages have scoured the Internet, all with the same purpose, that is to find out how to get biceps. Suffice to say that getting bigger biceps is entirely possible regardless of the kind of body you have or whether you are male or female.
These movements are recommended for getting big and well rounded biceps:
1. Barbell Curl - One of those isolation movements that works very well. By definition, isolation refers to exercises that apply stress on a single muscle set, while compound are those that apply stress on more than one set. Most would not recommend going for isolation movements if they are done singly but when incorporated with the others, they are considered excellent to increase the width and roundness of your biceps.
2. Incline Dumbbell Curl - Best for sculpting the arms due to the extra stretch that it applies. it’s not very challenging to do. It is recommended that this be incorporated with other cardio or weight lifting exercises for maximum effects.
3. Dumbbell Curl - Very similar to the Barbell Curl and just as effective. When working out and you find yourself too tired to complete the reps for the Dumb Bell Curl, switch to the Barbell Curl. Doing so will give you the chance to complete the necessary reps without decreasing the intensity of your workout.
4. Close Grip Chin Up - Considered the top man of all biceps-focused workouts. Provides a lot of flexibility and utilization of weights. Provides more stress or resistance to your muscles thus giving more mass in lesser amount of time.
5. Hammer Curl - This is another workout commonly done by those who are determined to put to rest the problem of how to get biceps fast. Focuses on the brachialis muscle which when used often gives more width and mass to the upper arm. This is quite popular for those aiming to see quick results.
Apart from doing all the exercises indicated above, keep in mind that it is also important to do cardiovascular workout especially before lifting weights. Such workouts increases your metabolism, makes your heart beat faster and keeps the fat from being stored inside your body. Another thing, make sure that while you are doing your workout, everything is accomplished within the first 45 minutes otherwise it will be pointless to continue.

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